4 Mobile Marketing Tips for Small Business

4 Mobile Marketing Tips for Small Business

A small business does not have a lot of options for marketing, so getting it right is really important when you make your marketing decisions. A wrong move, an investment in the wrong type of outreach means that you will not make the return investment which is crucial to every small business getting what they need in order to get ahead and build. One of the best ways to market is mobile marketing. Since most people get information via their mobile devices, mobile marketing is critical for small businesses. The best part is mobile marketing represents great return on investment.

4 Mobile Marketing Tips for Small Business
4 Mobile Marketing Tips for Small Business

There are plenty of channels that can be used for mobile marketing. Whether you are using social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or Snapchat, you can get a lot out of this type of outreach. Other traditional forms optimized for mobile devices include e-mail marketing or using SEO. With the way people use their smartphones today, there is no shortage of methods for people to access information with their smartphones. This is how businesses use mobile marketing to grow their business, through a diversity of options that don’t cost much but provide ample return on investment.

Tip #1: Get a Mobile App Developed

The easiest way for your customers to interact with you is via your app. This is how everything gets streamlined and you can tell that apps are a great strategy because the biggest companies have developed apps. When you think about how 80% of mobile users interact with companies via their apps, that means there are some serious conversion opportunities that come from app development. However, the building of an app can be quite costly, so small businesses must be smart about how they build apps – it is important to get it right on the first go.

A great place to find app developers that are not as expensive is with Upwork. This is one of the largest freelancer communities out there and it means you can find an app developer that won’t cost an arm and a leg while at the same time delivering quality. When your app is developed, you can promote it using your social channels along with your website as well. Thanks to having an app, that will get you ahead of your local competition and put your business on more solid footing. This is a simple yet effective path for business growth.

Tip #2: Build a Mobile Payment Platform

The best way to build your business is make it very easy for people to buy your products. One thing that all businesses need is a reliable payment platform. There are several apps that allow you to transfer money. Whether it is PayPal, Venmo, or something else, you can easily bill people with these systems. Another great system is using bookkeeping software like QuickBooks. This is another invoicing system as well allowing people to easily pay what they owe.

Tip #2: Build a Mobile Payment Platform

That said, you can make your life even easier with other payment platforms. There are plenty of apps allowing you to scan cards and you can also choose to accept other forms of payment like Google Pay or Apple Pay. These automatic services allow you accept payment with ease and your customers will not have to enter their card or bank information. The best part is when people enter their card information, they are inclined to rethink their decision. Not so with these automatic payment options. When you make payment something that is very easy to handle, your customers will appreciate it and spend more money with you than they originally intended – and do so willingly.

Tip #3: Use Deals and Promotios to Attract and Retain Customers

Everyone loves to feel like they are getting value, and that can manifest itself in a multitude of ways to ensure that you have customers and that you are consistently attracting them. The best way to do this is by offering them something that does not have a high cost. Low cost items can be given away, especially when you pair it with something that has good margins. If your business gives customers the constant feeling of getting value, they will constantly find their way to your business to purchase goods and services.

There are many ways you can offer these promotions and giveaways. Going back to Tip #1, you can offer something when customers download the app. This is a simple yet effective way of getting your customers to use your app. If you want them to get push notifications, that’s another great place to offer deals. The key is making sure your customers are engaged, and things like push notifications are another great vehicle for offering your customers additional value. The more value customers feel they are getting, the better your margins will be.

Tip #4: Leverage Social Media Marketing

Your business is best served by using social media channels for great effect. There are several ways to do this but using Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the best social media platforms because they are the most versatile, and combined, they reach the most people. That’s the good news, but the complication comes from choosing which platform to use to emphasize the message of your business. Once you figure out the method you would like to use for social media marketing, you are ready to get going on executing your plan.

Tip #4: Leverage Social Media Marketing

There are several differences when using the different platforms to get your message out there. The smart thing for your business is to develop an avatar of your target customer. This avatar will guide how you choose which social media platform for your message. Doing this will ensure that you make the most out of your social media marketing. When you leverage platforms to drive traffic to your app, website, and make payments easy, that will help you make the most of marketing your business, driving margins, and increasing revenues to that will make your business sustainable.

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